국회 인사청문회: 교육부, 통일부장관 후보자 시험대에 올라 More confirmation hearings were held on Thursday to fill the Moon administration’s cabinet. The main opposition party continues to be on the offensive. The latest target was the education minister nominee, accused of ethical lapses. Shin Se-min has the details. Kim Sang-kon , nominated to head the country’s education ministry, who would also double the role as the deputy prime minister for social affairs, faced questions from the Assembly during his one-day confirmation hearing. Opposition party lawmakers tried to shoot down the education minister nominee,… calling him unfit for the position over allegations that he had plagiarized his research papers,… to which Kim had responded by saying he had done nothing to be ashamed of. Answering policy related questions,… the former education superintendent for Gyeonggi-do Province said he would improve equality in education,… and said he’ll monitor the increasingly competitive educational system once sworn in. Meanwhile, after a relatively smooth confirmation hearing process, lawmakers adopted a hearing report on the unification minister nominee Cho Myoung-gyon, . During the Q&A session, Cho told lawmakers that Seoul will respond strongly to Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile provocations,… while working to re-establish dialogue between the two Koreas. Also during the hearing, Cho said that Seoul needs to craft bold and practical ways to resolve the North’s nuclear issue. These comments come as President Moon had expressed that he would seek a dual-track approach towards denuclearizing North Korea. Cho also said Seoul needs to work on re-opening the now-closed Kaesong Industrial Complex,… once progress has been made towards North Korea’s denuclearization. The unification minister nominee had previously played a part in opening the jointly-run complex during his time as a presidential secretary under the Roh Moo-hyun administration. Next to face the lawmakers questions is labor minister nominee Cho Dae-yeop, who has his confirmation hearing scheduled for Friday. Shin Se-min, Arirang News. Visit ‘Arirang News’ Official Pages Facebook(NEWS): http://www.facebook.com/newsarirang Homepage: http://www.arirang.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arirangtv Twitter: http://twitter.com/arirangworld Instagram: http://instagram.com/arirangworld

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