It is the Hour of Code this week and knodemy wants to know what that means to the world. We sat down with some technology experts to discuss the importance of learning code and expanding STEM education to kids of the world. Our own instructor and programmer, Jordan Jalles, discusses how learning code will lead to a better future. You can learn more about knodemy on our website: Don’t forget to Like and Share! Subscribe to see more of Knodemy’s upcoming events:… Follow Knodemy’s other accounts for more exciting updates: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: LinkedIn: Facebook: knodemy is an EdTech Company based in the Tri-Valley Bay Area with the focus on Technology & Math programs (STEM). Our philosophy is to teach coding fundamentals via projects (theory + practice). knodemy’s highly interactive platform connects students to top STEM instructors & experts. Through our platform, instructors can deliver live lessons to students anywhere, anytime. Our mission is to provide every student an opportunity to learn to code.

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